
What’s the Difference Between Proofreading and Copy Editing?

A lot of people confuse the terms “proofreading” and “editing” and don’t know the difference. There is a difference, and we want to help you understand what that is.

Proofreading is the last step in the writing process. It is performed after the manuscript has been edited, and it’s the last chance to check for any grammar, punctuation, and syntax errors before publishing. There is no altering the author’s voice or content at this point. It is just about pointing out any egregious errors so that the author can fix them before going to print.

Copy Editing also checks for grammar and punctuation errors. However, editing is done earlier in the writing process and is more in-depth. Copy editing can help with word choice and improving the quality and flow of the writing overall by evaluating things like repetitiveness, smothered verbs, active voice, and more.

What is Beta Reading?

Beta Reading is the stage in the writing process when someone reads the author’s book when it is just about ready to be published so that the author can get feedback from the viewpoint of a reader. So, the book has, hopefully, already been at least edited to some degree. The beta reader reads the book and gives general feedback to the author about the plot, the characters, the pace, etc. This gives the author a chance to adjust any issues with the story before it reaches a general audience.

So, if you need a copy editor, proofreader, or beta reader, please fill out Oz Editorial Services‘ contact form or email us directly at